OceanAdapt splash pageEvery wondered where you favorite fish is? In collaboration with NOAA Fisheries, we’ve launched a new website today called OceanAdapt that provides information on climate related changes in the distribution of the nation’s valuable marine fish stocks. There is growing concern that more needs to be done to prepare for and adapt to these changing conditions, but much of the basic information on what’s happening out in the ocean has historically been scarce and hard to find. For scientists, the website also provides easy access to the NOAA bottom trawl survey data.

NOAA has a nice article about the website, plus it was first on their splash page for a few days.

OceanAdapt is featured in the newly launched U.S. Climate Resilience Toolkit (also here).

The indicators on the website are also slated to be part of the National Climate Indicators System, which is designed help track climate impacts across the U.S.

We have a bit of press generated on the site as well:
Rutgers Today
National Marine Fisheries Service
Providence Journal
New Jersey 101.5
World Fishing

Where’s my fish? OceanAdapt website is live
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