PBS NewHour special
A new PBS NewsHour special on the ocean, climate change, and fisheries aired last night, with commentary from Malin along with colleagues Daniel Pauly, Kathy Mills, Andrew Pershing, Curtis Deutsch, Paul Greenberg, and others.
A new PBS NewsHour special on the ocean, climate change, and fisheries aired last night, with commentary from Malin along with colleagues Daniel Pauly, Kathy Mills, Andrew Pershing, Curtis Deutsch, Paul Greenberg, and others.
Patrick’s paper from his MS is now online early at Ecography! He studied temporal change in community composition across the Northeast US continental shelf and found that changes through time could be explained by species associations with bottom temperature. Measured as
We have put all the maps behind Morley et al. 2018 PLOS ONE online now on OceanAdapt! These are projections of where 686 marine fish and invertebrate habitats will move over the rest of the century (to 2100) as a result
Jennifer and Malin’s paper, Genomic signatures of environmental selection despite near‐panmixia in summer flounder, was released for early-view in Evolutionary Applications. The paper describes how summer flounder are a single population based on many genetic markers, yet the frequency of some genetic
Nice interview with Becca on her research showing that warming is transforming predator-prey interactions in the Northeast US: https://www.newsdeeply.com/oceans/community/2017/09/22/as-cod-head-for-cooler-waters-new-englands-fisheries-face-upheaval
Lots of great presentations this month: Jennifer presented 25 years of changes in population genetic patterns of summer flounder at the Ecological Society of America (ESA) meeting in Portland, OR Sarah presented on genomic evidence for evolutionary rescue in little
New paper just out online in Global Change Biology, led by postdoc Becca Selden: functional diversity among predatory fish helps protect ecosystems from the impacts of warming. Becca showed that warming has helped make Atlantic cod a much less important
Ryan just published a paper in Ecology Letters showing that the number of species in many parts of the coastal ocean is going up, not down as many would expect. He spent the past few years trying to understand how marine
Allison Dedrick and Joyce Ong have just joined the lab as postdocs, and we’re excited to have them here! Allison is coming from a Ph.D. with Marissa Baskett and Loo Botsford at UC Davis, and Joyce just finished her Ph.D.
Exciting news on the publication front: Jim’s paper on rapid responses of marine animals to winter temperature variability is now out in Global Change Biology. He found strong variation in how animals responded to a warm winter (higher or lower