OceanAdapt website and GitHub repository: tracking the changing distributions of U.S. marine species over decades. A collaboration with NOAA and the DFO Canada. Now maintained by NOAA as the Distribution Mapping and Analysis Portal (DisMAP).
FISHGLOB, a global consortium and UN Ocean Decade project to collect, curate, share, and use data from scientific bottom trawl surveys to understand marine fish biodiversity during decades of global change
Guide to permits for genetic sampling in the Philippines
Educational Resources
Allyship Videos and Program by the Society for Conservation Biology (co-developed by research scientist Brendan Reid)
Ecology & evolution outreach activities for K-5 (developed by Ph.D. student Katrina Catalano)
What’s the Catch? Engaging students in systems thinking (Case study for NSF Coastal SEES grant)
Tools of Science videos to explore the nature and process of science through the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)
Interpret The Impacts Of Rising Ocean Temperatures On Ecosystems (by Kristin Hunter-Thomson, postdoc Becca Selden, and Ariel Zych)
Survival Challenge: Can Marine Animals Adapt to Climate Change? Create adaptations that will help a marine animal survive in their new climate-change impacted environments. (developed by Ph.D. student Kyra Fitz with VA Sea Grant)
- Lesson Plan (PDF)
- Powerpoint
- Handouts
Databases for Diverse Science
- DiversifyEEB
- Diversify STEM Conferences
- Editors of Color (database of databases of diversity in any field)
- Folks in GCB
- 500 women scientists
- Database of Databases of Diversity in STEM
Favorite nature areas in and near New Jersey
ReefVid: Peter Mumby’s trove of free coral reef videos