The UCSC Center for Coastal Climate Resilience (CCCR) at the University of California, Santa Cruz is holding an open competition for three (3) Postdoctoral Fellowships. CCCR Postdoctoral Fellows will work with faculty mentors from two (or more) disciplines across the UCSC campus to forward the Center’s vision: To advance innovative solutions for building coastal resilience that engage partners, foster leaders and address the challenges from climate change in California and beyond.
The strongest proposals will identify mentors in two different academic divisions at UCSC (Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences, Physical & Biological Sciences, and Baskin School of Engineering). However, applicants with mentors from different departments within a single academic division are welcome. One of the scholar’s mentors will serve as the primary mentor for the purposes of hiring and annual reviews.
Postdoctoral scholar mentors are academic appointees who hold a faculty title (appointees to the Professor Series, Adjunct Professor Series, etc.) (see CAPM 610.00 Postdoctoral Scholars Unit). However, research appointees (e.g., Professional Research Series) who wish to mentor a postdoctoral scholar can request from their divisional dean an exception to policy.
Fellows will receive a two-year, full-time appointment and benefits plus $15,000 for research and travel expenses associated with the proposed project.
This position requires that the postdoctoral scholar collaborate and successfully work as part of a team, demonstrate intellectual independence and critical thinking, and contribute to the preparation of publications. Strong communication skills are particularly important.
You can find more information on CCCR funded projects and project leads at https://officeofresearch.ucsc.edu/cccr/funded-projects.html, but mentors can be identified across campus and are not limited to those associated with previously supported projects.
Applications will be evaluated based on the qualifications of the applicant, the potential of the proposed project to address the vision and goals of the CCCR and the ability of the applicant and proposed mentors to carry out the project.
Center for Coastal Climate Resilience: https://officeofresearch.ucsc.edu/cccr/index.html
Position title: Center for Coastal Climate Resilience Postdoctoral Fellows
Salary range: Commensurate with qualifications and experience. The posted UCSC salary scales set the minimum pay based on the individual’s Experience Level, which is determined by the number of months of postdoctoral service at any institution. See the salary scale titled, Postdoctoral Scholar-Employee /Postdoctoral Scholar-Fellow / Postdoctoral Scholar-Paid Direct -Fiscal Year. A reasonable estimate for this position is $65,000 – $78,000.
Percent time: Full-time (100%)
Anticipated start: As soon as possible after initial review of the applications, but no later than June 1, 2024. Ph.D. must be in hand at the time of initial appointment.
Position duration: Maximum Duration of Service in a Postdoctoral Title: Postdoctoral Scholar appointments are full-time and the initial appointment is for a minimum of two years, with the possibility of reappointment. The total duration of an individual’s postdoctoral service may not exceed five years, including postdoctoral service at any institution.
Apply at https://recruit.ucsc.edu/JPF01634
Three postdoc fellowships at the Center for Coastal Climate Resilience