Dr. Zoë Kitchel defended her PhD dissertation qualifications earlier this month on June 20th! Research from her dissertation, Detecting impacts of climate change and fishing on shelf ecosystems, explores marine range shifts by highlighting the role of continental shelf bathymetry. This analysis has been published in Global Change Biology, Kitchel et al. 2022. As well as a publication in Global Ecology and Biogeography focused on the dynamic aspects of species richness during a period of increased environmental change, Kitchel et al. 2023. Dr. Kitchel has been a leading figure in lab and has a promising future making waves in the realm of climate change biology. Zoë has been an integral part of the Pinsky lab group, her company and well wishes will be missed. We wish her the best in her future endeavors and accomplishments. Zoë, on behalf of the entire Pinsky lab and DEENR, congratulations on this feat. With all sincerity, thank you for allowing us to be a part of this journey.
Zoë Kitchel defends her PhD!