Earlier this month, on May 10th, 2023, Dr. René Clark successfully defended her PhD dissertation; Spatial and temporal patterns of adaptation and adaptive potential in a changing ocean! Dr. René Clark’s spatially divergent genomic signatures research has already been published by the Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, Clark et al. 2021. As well as a publication in press focused on the examination of the temporal evolutionary response to global climate change, Clark et al. 2023. Already in her career, René has displayed exemplary status in progressing and expanding the access to scientific knowledge; from her important work discussing the biological effects of climate change to educating youths about the exciting topics of science. René will be sorely missed as she moves onto a postdoc position. Congratulations René and on behalf of the entire Pinsky lab, and DEENR, thank you for allowing us to be a part of this journey. We wish you the best of luck in all of your future endeavors!
René Clark defends her PhD!