Becca, Chris Free and Zoe (L to R) Malin delivering a plenary Becca giving her talk photos by Zoë Kitchel
Malin, Zoe, and Becca all attended, and gave presentations at the Species on the Move conference at the Kruger National Park in South Africa in late July.
All of them spoke to the theme of the conference: Zoë’s “Alternative climate drivers of local species richness, colonization, and extirpation in marine fishes”, Becca’s “Adapting to change? Availability of fish stocks to fishing communities on the US west coast”, and Malin’s plenary on the “Impacts of climate warming on ectotherms in the ocean and on land.
Outside of presenting and networking at the conference, they had the chance to take in the breathtaking scenery at Kruger, exploring the savannah and catching views of baboons, giraffes, and elephants!